Cooking in New World: Aeternum is a versatile trade skill that allows players to craft consumables providing health restoration and attribute buffs. This guide will walk you through the most efficient ways to level up your cooking skill from 0 to 250.
Getting Started with Cooking
To begin cooking, you'll need to gather ingredients and access a cooking station. These stations are found in settlements and can be upgraded up to level 5, depending on the settlement's growth and guild investments. You can also use campfires for basic recipes like rations and bait, but they are limited to recovery foods and fishing bait.
Leveling Cooking Efficiently
Level 0-50
Recommended Recipes:
Light Rations
Travel Rations
Energizing Travel Rations
Tips: Focus on crafting Travel Rations and Energizing Travel Rations for efficient leveling. These recipes are cost-effective and provide good experience.
Level 50-100
Recommended Recipes:
Light Meals
Energizing Light Meals
Tips: Continue with Energizing Light Meals as they offer a good balance of cost and experience gain.
To undertake these cooking endeavors in New World: Aeternum, players will need a consistent supply of new world coins, which can be used to purchase ingredients from the Trading Post or invest in tools to enhance their crafting efficiency. Balancing cost and experience gain is crucial, and using your coins wisely can significantly speed up the leveling process.
Level 100-150
Recommended Recipes:
Satisfying Meals
Energizing Satisfying Meals
Tips: Switch to Satisfying Meals for this level range. They provide more substantial experience and are still relatively affordable.
Level 150-250
Recommended Recipes:
Hearty Meals
Energizing Hearty Meals
Tips: Finish off your leveling journey with Hearty Meals. These recipes require higher-tier ingredients but offer significant experience gains.
Additional Tips for Efficient Leveling
First Craft Bonus: Utilize the "First Craft" XP bonus by crafting unique recipes for a 3x experience boost.
Gathering Ingredients: Establish a farming route to gather materials efficiently. Provision crates and farms are excellent sources for ingredients.
Buying Ingredients: If budget isn't an issue, purchase ingredients from the Trading Post to speed up your leveling process.
Proficiency Boost Potions: Use these potions to enhance your material gathering efficiency.
Leveling cooking in New World: Aeternum can be both rewarding and profitable. By focusing on cost-effective recipes and utilizing bonuses like the "First Craft" experience boost, you can efficiently reach the maximum cooking level of 250. Remember to explore different farming routes and consider purchasing ingredients if you have the gold to spare. Happy cooking!
Cooking in New World: Aeternum is critical for survival and battle effectiveness. As you advance in this trade skill, focus on obtaining fresh supplies and using high-tier cooking stations in towns. If you're multitasking, such as studying a political science essay writing service, cooking in-game can provide a nice pause while still moving forward quickly.