In Outbound Marketing on the contrary everything is based on assumptions where you will try to capture the interest of your potential customers knowing that they have not requested your content. In the case of selling on LinkedIn it is very useful because the message chains generated through the content add great value to those contacts who are normally asleep when it comes to strengthening your relationships within your network of contacts. It's like shooting blind with outbound marketing.
The case of working on LinkedIn either because they have accepted a previous invitation or email marketing with a list of people who have really been interested in your content at some point Business Email List downloading an ebook . In this case Outbound Marketing acts as an alarm clock for sleeping contacts. For this reason at Miqo we understand outbound in this way in order to be really effective but with a subject as complex as it is exciting such as the internationalization of companies.
DIFFERENCE GENERIC VS. CONCRETE Outbound marketing campaigns are usually very generic especially if you think of very traditional actions as I mentioned at the beginning of this post. Unless these actions are completely directed as I have mentioned through LinkedIn or Email Marketing. No matter how original this McDonald`s campaign or any good ad you have in mind. McDonald's campaign It will only interest a portion of people who see it.